stranger things

So I am aware that my position on life taking place in a materially vital cosmos is not necessarily the most popular way of regarding human relations. After all we are ultimately almost entirely mechanistic when it comes to the framework of understanding reality.

I’ve been watching a program called stranger things and come to the conclusion that it is, like the narrative in the story itself, an opening into a visceral region of felt intensities. In the case of this supernatural thriller the felt intensity is of the hyperaesthetic kind or an excess one might consider non linguistic. The latest story focuses on the themes of death through memory and the stages of grief surrounding it. There seem to be threads and harmonies between the characters’ encounters with the monsters of the region known as the upside down world and their awareness of death itself as an event. Both of these themes are an opening onto the felt intensities of Cosmos as event. Stranger things comes closest of any mainstream tv to embodying our painful nagging doubt that something very real is being omitted from the shared idea of the scientific forms underpinning society. These were feelings I already have after one series of watching stranger things and in the latest fourth series the solution to overcoming the painful nagging doubt is music. So music becomes an antidote to the trauma of leaving out felt intensities from a scientific understanding of real life. There is a danger, however, that much like the film with James Stewart, it’s a wonderful life,  we experience an opening onto an intra-relational performative life in which the value of status defined by equivalence and data is seen as the absurdity that it really is but the story remains a fantasy. Likewise with stranger things I feel the danger is music could be construed as an add-on or indeed a soothing balm to the pain of life. A Spotify moment of euphoric optimism. My feeling is that the programme manifests the felt intensities we experience as a longing due to our nagging pain that have omitted something vital from how we consider our place in the fabric of the cosmos. Perhaps we can remember our indigenousNess to nature through immersion in music and feeling as was once tried in the sixties but instead of needing to post rationalise this we simply use moments of reason to navigate through the Event manifested by our collective encounters in feeling.


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