Multi-verse human Bollocks

 I’m reading a book called The Night library and have been enjoying it until I got to this part where they are repeating humans this and humans that. Humans simplify things because the complexity of the quantuum wave function is too much for the brain to handle. Hence we create a simple narrative. In the book the librarian in the between life and death region is the narrator’s simplification of a god narrative. It struck me that this is  total bifurcated thinking with a complete blindness to the faith in the separated state of sciencification, which deems that there is the scientific reality that humans encounter and process. The truth is that we are part of the region we perceive and therefore our stories are also part of the region. Our own singular experience is part of the region expressing itself. The book goes on to discuss the multiverse and I must admit this is a theory I have enjoyed but now find myself wanting to call it out as a bullshit fantasy that is the cult of bifurcation’s way of explaining the emergence of one life only. Life is current but entangled with all matter and temporal substance. This also explains why I am always wincing at the use of terms like metaphor because the cosmos is fundamentally feeling and creative – not in the anthropocentric meta-aware kind of way but in a ubiquitity of experience kind of way. 


As I walked on I past a football pitch with youngsters in training and I thought about the parents on the touch line with investment ideas in their heads. Then I looked to the boys playing with joy and as one boy hit the post another tapped it in and they congratulated each other like the players on the TV even though this was a training exercise. I thought about how as part of the creative cosmos we mimic through extra-embodied expression and I wondered if football wasn’t somehow a speculative aesthetic ontology. I mean a realm where we entangle freely in the process of mimicking as multi-organisms in the emerging cosmic narrative. We become the thing we are doing and not the symbolic euro-centric identity of being human. I find myself growing frustrated at this use of the term human, which is sometimes followed by a respectful nod towards neuro-diversity. Again we genuflect to sciencification to explain an alternative mode of being, without noticing that we are in fact creating our own aesthetic ontology expressing the creative cosmos through the strictures of science as striated real life. As I was leaving the psychiatrist who is hesitant to prescribe me the methylphenidate for fibromyalgia because the ADHD it is licensed for has become a faddish diagnosis (I need this diagnosis due to licensing strictures) I turned in the corridor and said I think through digression. Is that a symptom of ADHD I asked? Yes she acknowledged.

AesthetiK Ontology in Action Time and Vision


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