Now that's what I call now


You have to admit that Gary Numan may well have had a point

But that is the point isn’t it? Isn’t it

After all, why should there be a point other than the total of the form itself?

Perhaps we are required to listen to his song in the car to experience the fleeting infinity of mind body machine model immersion.

Conveniently his single is a singularity in no dimensions

And journalism is the calculus of the music world with paper doilies on

Gary sings sung sang here in my car I feel safest of all.

I can write that down

Here on this page

And it stops before my eyes

The ink drying as I resist the temptation to smear the words

Make them less sure of themselves.

I did think it might be good to discuss this

In the style of Sylvia Plath

But that would be derivative

Do you see what I did there?

I planted a clue for the stalkers out there

My fellow stalkers stalking the thing we call the point

But you have to talk quietly and keep your distance

Or it becomes an actual point and disappears into no dimensions

And whilst it may still be there

You would never know if it was or it wasn’t

So, Leibniz definitely had a point didn’t he

A slow release hilarious mathematical joke on Newton

Who argued some say correctly

That it was his point

The point being that without either of them we may well

Not be able to argue the point

Please note a point is not an elevator pitch

Which is an event with the point of selling the point

But the act itself must remain tantalisingly pointless

I’m imagining I live in a world without sweep hands

I’m thinking I would still be able to imagine or conceive of eternity

Even in a world without numbness

But this perspectivism we inhabit

That is a totally different ball game

A whole new kettle of fish

The belief

This certain knowledge

That we can be in the now

We can live in 



This point 

In time

Now is the time of our becoming

This line of ink has now passed into the past

If we insist on now being a line between the past and the future

They are not really separate and that is why

I can tell that what is happening is what is going to happen

````sorry am I making you tense?

But this perspectivism

The point of view based on the differential as vectorised coordinate

Of each individual plotted on the grid of time and space

Can you see where I’m going with this?

I want to somehow grasp how Gary feels so happy (safe)

In his car

His car then is always able to tell him how fast it is traveling

Whereas we will only ever know through equations

Of differential calculus

How fast we were walking

 A tread mill comes close

But that didn’t used to be real life

Not as much as It is Now in Roman Britain

So, in his car Gary experiences the closest to being

Fully immersed in the realm of certainty

The accuracy of the differential speed

He is actually certainly traveling at that speed now

Especially if his car, post chart success

Is equipped with cruise control

His safety is nothing to do with locking all the doors

The locks are beside the point

A mere post rational stab at sounding like you 

Have sufficient reason

But the songs singularity consumes even these words

Into the point

The doors are locked on all of our points of view

Because Leibniz (or Newton depending on your pov)

Gave us calculus and our exact points of view can be plotted

Algorithmically known ahead of the curve

And in a moving car with your eyes glimpsing 

The dashboard’s speed=o-meter

Your point of view can be actually embodied

The differential is not a real thing

It is a divine supreme being

An infinitely indivisible point

That we with our beaded lumber supports can inhabit

So in a car there really can be a protracted now

Now that’s what I call music

I think as the speedo remains on seventy miles an hour

And the graphic equaliser sexily winks

On the point of the curve

Where I am now

 Now now now now

I am in the now listening to a song that tells me about

Being in the becoming of the differential

A place you are never meant to go 

A door that never opens

But here in your car

You can embody all day now

Feeling the creeping Leibniz of das Leben

With Newtonian sufficient reason enough

Already auto-corrected with mindfulness

Or if you are lucky enough you simply

Take a drive to clear your head of all doubt










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