Virtual Visions

I am very pleased to once again be creating an exhibition for the Blakefest celebration of William Blake’s three-year sojourn by the sea in the village of Felpham. This year the art will be online so I thought it would be wholly appropriate to explore the really real world of the virtual. I’m thinking that our recent intense collective experience of lag is key to this virtual realm.

The virtual is in the half second lag between action and consciously deciding to act discovered by Benjamin Libet’s experiments in formative interval of perception. The virtual is in the undetected region before we sense we’ve been heard, discovered in zoom meetings. 

Lagging the secular turf we enter a region of suspended analysis. Google translate can wait for us to find heaven in a wild flower. 

As Blake’s love of sweet Felpham demonstrates the virtual is a realm of contingent situated activities outside the sweep of the human command radar. In the virtual the radar perceives itself weeping in the heavenly region of the wild flower’s felt intensities,
“It feels in this prehension the self-enjoyment of its own being” (A N Whitehead)

Full details of exhibiting artists here soon.

As I walked in the garden you appeared as Ololon: a song for William Blake


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