in the terminus

26th August 2015 20 past seven in the morning. It is or rather was but still might be a peculiarly grey affair. The day that is if that is indeed what you prefer to call the space between rising and getting back therein. Answers on a birthmark you need not replay straight faced but anything you fail to mention will be charged directly to your bedroom. 

I would also like to reminisce you that grey gets a hard time in the black and white and read all over realm of the Corby music press. Grey is the colour, indeterminate is the name and any unknown fool knoweth this poses a threat to the AC/DC types in power. How can that be I hear you ask when both are ambivalence incarnate. Well well well I see you but I can’t hear you and as so much of my schtick is based on memory and precognitive judging I’ll leave my appearance this morning at that.

Well I’m Sir Prized to be finally receiving my metal. Sur Lee you dial my no.? I’m not a big fan of dancing let alone calling people names when I can’t see them let alone be close enough to put mud in their drinks. Oh I am eternally sorry sire but me thinks a small miss understanding stated you are well aware of lady goodwood’s behaviours and how do you expect a disc jockey such as I to survive without recourse to single measures? After all is Sadie and done we’ve strayed to far from the garden of Eden path by fault of no nuns but at the Eden of the diesis no one is innocent. Well well well you say that but ladles and jelly spoons in the vicinity would indicate mirror signal manoeuvre in no particular order. I see I see I see my dog just lamped guy Fawkes. That is cheating good luck to you.


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