One of my earliest memories of drawing aged about 8 is the thrill of inventing grotesque faces with a classmate and passing the resulting scarred and deformed phizogs between each other to make the time in Miss Palmer’s English lessons somehow more pleasurable. I can still remember the surprise and wonder I felt that this capacity to produce such horrific countenances was available to me through the readily accessed felt tip pen and paper. Now I wonder if this actual felt intensity was none other the feeling of the proximity to creative emergence itself. I have recently begun to wonder if these glimpses of the mental quality woven into the cosmos might not be responsible for all instances of creative inspiration, where one feels a deep sense of meaning within an event. This event might be the reading of a cheap horror comic inside a disused concrete water pipe on a hillside scrubland or it might be the moment that the green fuse visited Dylan Thomas or Blake found heaven in a wil...