letter to pain
Pain pain go away burning swollen, eye-watering delinquent aching eroding carving shaping pain pain go away and don’t come back another day. My pain is not your pain. Sandpaper pain rubbing buzzing shaking stamping clamping. Melting pain dissolving corroding and on and on pain. My my pain not your aching have-a-bath pain. This is full on who turned on all the switches pain? The stage-hand turns on all the effects? Dumb pain. But don’t get me wrong this is not the pain that had me, what was that word? Stalking? Pacing pain. No this is not that pain today. That pain had me in its grip and had me pacing. All I could do was pace and hope it would go and it did. That was the kind of pain that feels like it will pass. I went to bed with this and woke up with it. Oh do not talk of pain in pains earshot you dumb fool. Don’t you know anything? You really are quite the ingenue. Ignore it and it goes away, didn’t you know? Well, that’s what they say but I’m not going to teach you to suck eggs...